Hi there. . . I'm Carol Book

Here's a little bit about me ...

Fifteen years ago, my husband, Roger, and I decided to leave the suburbs behind and move to the beautiful North Georgia mountains. Being a nature lover, I’ve always enjoyed the natural setting, the fresh clean air, and pure spring water of the mountains. Even on the hottest day, there’s always a cool mountain breeze blowing.

 Shortly after our move, we rescued two feral cats, Sadie and Squeak, to help control the rodent population. They’ve definitely earned a special place in our hearts and are no longer feral.

Bears, wild turkeys, deer, and an occasional bobcat have all visited our home, providing nature’s entertainment, as well as some challenges.

Hiking the surrounding mountains is one of my favorite pastimes. I also love cooking enormous Thanksgiving dinners for family and friends. (Hiking is good after one of those dinners.)  

 As an avid reader, you can find books of all topics in my library. Motivational, business, historical fiction and even spiritual and books on mythology are all part of my collection.

Being a bit of a health nut, I research alternative medicines like Ayurvedic, Chinese, and Native American. For years, I’ve studied and implemented herbs and essential oils into my daily personal routines. Nothing beats feeling great!

Here's a little bit of what I've done ...

With over 25 years of experience as a top-notch Executive Assistant with Fortune 500 companies, as well as smaller businesses, I’ve learned how to navigate the most complex situations. My expert skills in customer relations, organization, management and communication allowed me to advance and quickly be known as the go-to person to get things done.

Recently, I started my own VA business – Book Virtual Leverage. I support business owners by providing solutions to meet their needs. I focus on building strong customer advocates that organically grow their business and expand their brand.

Three areas that make me an Expert VA ...

1. Organizing

Throughout my career, I’ve always been in charge of organizing something. I’ve coordinated large meetings and events ranging from golf tournaments, property tours, and sales events, to private executive dinner parties. I’ve managed multiple executives’ email accounts and calendars. Keeping everyone on track was – and is – my driving force. 

My organizational experience included digitizing hundreds of paper files, organizing and saving them into a systematic online directory.  Project management was a large part of my responsibilities. I also organized volunteers for charitable community events and never felt like I had to beg anyone to participate. 

An organized calendar, inbox, database – you name it – just makes for an efficiently run business.

2. Customer Advocacy

I thoroughly enjoy people, so this role is a perfect fit for me. My ultimate goal is to maintain happy customers. However, taking care of the customer can be challenging. But l understand what makes it work.

      • Right away I establish strong relationships. Building trust through constant nurturing is key.
      • I listen more than I speak. Listening is paramount to solving the problem. I make sure the customer’s voice is heard.
      • I take action. I offer a solution to solve the customer’s problem. I follow up.
      • A happy customer then becomes your brand advocate. This is the best social marketing tool you can have.

3. Grammar/Proofreading/Writing

Back in grade school, no one really liked grammar. Believe it or not, I did. Here’s why:  At the beginning of 6th grade, I came down with the mumps. Yes, really ugly! I missed the first 2 weeks of grammar lessons. Credit goes to my wonderful teacher. She spent extra hours tutoring me after school. She made grammar fun. It was like putting a puzzle together. I got good at it.

Since that day, I’ve tutored middle school kids. I’ve proofread legal prospectuses. I even typed and grammatically edited books for an attorney. I was the editor of my school newspaper. I made sure everything was spelled correctly and made sense. 

Correct word usage, grammar, and spelling still matter.

Your opportunity

So you are excited! Your business is growing. Congratulations!

But you’re getting swallowed up. You can’t possibly respond to all your leads. Your customers need attention. There’re too many daily details to be handled. You’re stressing out. There’s no time left for anything or anyone! UGH!

It’s time to let a Virtual Expert® partner with you. I know what it feels like when something important doesn’t get handled. So imagine this: