Customer Advocacy – 3 Questions Answered Here

What is it?

Simply put, Customer Advocacy is creating happy customers who want to share their customer experience with everyone. It’s a positive focus on the customer and what’s best for them. It’s not a company focus. It is encouraging positive word-of-mouth marketing by your customers. Customer advocates promote your brand.

Why do I need it?

Customer Advocacy accelerates growth. It increases your revenue. It’s simply a word-of-mouth communication to others from your customers. But it’s a powerful way to promote your products, services, and ultimately, your brand. In this day of constant social media bombardment, it’s imperative that you have good and reputable brand recognition. Your customer advocates will provide this. Their friends and family trust their input because they know these folks. Keen awareness of your brand is generated.

A recent HubSpot study reports that 71% of consumers will consider purchasing brands that are based on social media referrals. Shopping online (e-commerce) has been increasing year after year. That’s why it’s so important to showcase your customers’ great experiences by hearing directly from them. Many consumers still shop at the traditional brick and mortar stores. But more times than not, they will first conduct research, via online recommendations, prior to making a purchase.

“Marketers may spend millions of dollars on elaborately conceived advertising campaigns, yet often what really makes up a consumer’s mind is not only simple but also free: a word-of-mouth recommendation from a trusted source.” McKinsey & Company (McKinsey Quarterly)

There’s no question. Customers are the foundation of your business. Good customer advocates are your biggest spenders. They “advertise” your business. Loyalty is in their DNA. They help grow your customer base. Do not miss out on grabbing one of your most growth-generating resource for free. Focus on growing your customer advocacy. Don’t be surprised at how much just a few good advocates will grow your business.

How do I get it?

First and foremost, create a customer-centric business. You are in the business to meet whatever specific needs your customers have. After they have been onboarded and are now your customer, do not forget them. Here are 7 simple ways to surprise your customers. It shows them that they are not just another number.

  1. Send a handwritten note, thanking them for their business
  2. Forward them contact information for a real person
  3. Give out random freebies, i.e., free shipping, cookies, candy or company swag
  4. Showcase your customers’ successes and feature their photos of your products through your social media
  5. Send birthday and holiday greetings
  6. Text random kind words of appreciation
  7. Most importantly, always FOLLOW UP in every possible way

Your customers will feel important and valued when they get this sort of personal attention.

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ~ Stephen R. Covey

If your company uses NPS software, you can increase your Net Promoter Score (promoter minus detractors) with a few simple steps.

  1. Listening to your customers. Listen with an intent to understand, putting yourself in their shoes. Show them that you truly care by taking to heart the feedback they give you. Acknowledge the frustration your customer is feeling.
  2. Practicing patience. Be slow to respond. Let your customer express all of the frustration or problems they are having. Do not interrupt them.
  3. Being clear and concise. Make sure your customer understands the steps they need to take. Keep it simple and accurate. Do not use jargon that is confusing.
  4. Offering a solution. Hopefully, you can offer a solution. But if not, be transparent and let your customer know you will find a solution and get back to them as soon as possible. Don’t fake anything. They will eventually see through you.
  5. Being available. Customers resent being put on hold. Answer the call before the 4th ring or return an email within an hour, if possible. Make sure you reach them.
  6. Using positive statements. Practice physically smiling when answering a phone call or email. It’s amazing how your customer can “hear” your smile. Substitute positive words for “can’t,” “won’t,” or “don’t.” For example, instead of saying, “That won’t work,” say, “I’m sure we can figure out something that will work.”
  7. Following up. Again, always be sure to follow up in a timely manner. Even if you don’t have an answer yet, be sure to let your customer know you are working on a solution, and their voice is being heard.

“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting” ~ Joyce Meyer

Keeping Strong Customer Advocates

Strong Customer Advocacy doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and focus. It takes mindset and work. But putting into practice the simple steps outlined above will most always guarantee a successful customer advocate base. Consistently following through will maintain and grow it.

The lifeblood of any company all comes down to excellent customer advocacy. The good customer journey and experience is what puts it in place.